After a few days with sad mode, last night I back to normal. I'm glad that at last my sayang has been posted. Since last night he kept calling me (or...I was the one that called him because I still have a free call until today), and updated to me everything about himself. Today he went to report duty at PPD Tenom. That was really a long journey; from KT - KL, KL - KK, KK - Keningau, Keningau - last. Hahahahaha......I laughed whenever he told me about his first experience; he entered kampung area and such and I told him, "Welcome to Borneo."
And just now he told me he'll teach at SK Kapulu (wow.....I already did some research about the school and what I can say is.....WOW....). I'm glad that he's been sent to that school, that town, with all guy teachers. Pheww......God listened to my prayer. Hahahahaha......
And this going to be his real challenging experience....and start from now too. (Hahahaha.....still I want to laugh....coz my sayang was always like a town guy, this never do, that never do and now or next time he will say "I know this....I know that...")
Next year will be my turn to be posted. Still don't know where but I don't mind to be sent to ulu area yet I don't think they will send me to ulu area because my option is SJK (C). I do wish and pray to God to be sent back to Sibu whereas I don't have to rent a house, and I can go to school from my own house. The most important thing is I really can't wait to start teaching and of course using my methods of teaching.
Today in campus we learned on how to have a fun T & L in a class with Mr. Aslam. Yerp, I like the ideas. I remember last time with 5M(during practicum) I used the 'funny' video to teach Adverbs. I bet my pupils loved watching the video and also the intro music was really surprising. Before the lesson, I did google on how to teach Adverbs in a fun way. During that time I found many ways on how to teach grammar using the famous songs (that's why I can't wait to go for a real teaching; my own class, my own pupils, my own syllabus so that I can use the songs). At home I have a fast internet connection, so should be no problem to me.
Hmm....pity my sayang, I bet he can't use the ICT there but I know God is very fair. My sayang is very good in drawing. He can draw a picture for his pupils.....they sure will like it. Hehe...I'm going to suggest to him any kind of fun activities that he can carry out during his lesson.
I'm not worry....God knows the best for us. As long as I'm sincere, God is sure will help me.

Above are (Woot!!!) my birthday presents given by my sayang; Leonardo the tortoise and also the drawing which portray our memories. The tortoises and the lions are come in sets; 1 for him and 1 for me, so we both having the same things. Q1: Can you guess which one is Simba and which one is Lionel? Q2: Can you guess which one is Alexander and which one is Leonardo? :p