Friday, September 17, 2010
Crazy Thursday
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Dialogue (Comedic) - One Piece
- Luffy, Zoro and Usopp: Chopper's a doctor?!?!
- Nami: Why did you think we made Chopper join our crew?
- Luffy: Seven Level transformation... Cool Reindeer...
- Sanji: Emergency food supply...
(Context: Nami explains how Chopper was taught all of Dr Kureha's medical skill, which the other crewmates were oblivious to.)
- Hachi: MY HAIR! You jerk! I'm gonna... I'm gonna... forgive you. I mean it's only hair, it'll grow back!
(Context: Zoro cuts off part of Hachi's hair during his fight with him.)
- Arlong: Tell me, what hopeless difference is there between you and me?
- Luffy: Nose... Jaw?
- Yosaku: He... Is he playing around...?!
- Johnny: No... I think he's serious.
- Luffy: Webbed hands!
(Context: Arlong tries to explain to Luffy why he has no chance against him.)
- Nami: Oh no!
- Kalifa: [sexily strokes Nami's curvaceous body here and there through her revealing outfit as she weakens Nami with her powers.]
(Context: Kalifa gets behind Nami unnoticed, until too late)
- Nami: [On all fours, she's having a hard time getting to her feet due to her Kalifa soaping her entire body. Her sexy breasts are gone; she's pissed] LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY BODY!?!
- Kalifa: [Taunting] It's a pity that it also cleanses out your proportions. But look at your skin! It's gorgeous, I'm jealous
(Context: Nami after Kalifa turned her into a slippery mannequin. She loses her original figure.)
- Yosaku and Johnny: Don't tell me Brother Luffy's secret plan was...!!
- Yosaku and Johnny (Thinking): There was no secret plan.
(Context: Luffy steals a pair of Arlong's teeth and puts it in his mouth.)
- Sanji: Sorry, but i'm gonna have to decline your offer.
- Luffy: No, I decline.
- Sanji: You decline what?
- Luffy: I decline your decline.
(Context: Sanji refuses to join the Straw Hats, but Luffy refuses to accept his decision.)
- Luffy: Huh? Where is Chopper?
- Luffy: Ah, there he is. (about 20 meters from Luffy lying in the sand)
- Luffy: Why's he all the way over there?
- Luffy: Is he trying to be funny?
- (Zoro suddenly take his sword to Luffy's neck and Luffy's face became blue)
- Luffy: Yes, it's my fault.
- Luffy: I am sorry.
(Context: Luffy , Zoro and Chopper are walking in the desert when Luffy sees a place where there is a little shade and he wants to get there fast with the others so he uses Gomu Gomu no Rocket and this grabs the others with him)
- Crocodile: But there's still a fundamental difference between you and I that you cannot overcome. That is the level of the Shichibukai (Seven Warlords of the Sea).
- Luffy: So what if you're one of the Shichibukai? Then I must the Hachibukai (Eight Warlords of the Sea)!
- (A bell sounds, in a comical way)
- Cobra: Who is this man?
- Robin: A pirate. Perhaps you haven't heard.
(Context: Luffy is fighting with Crocodile, and this conversation happens during their second fight)
- Jango: Listen up you guys. Pirates really suck.
- Fullbody: Oi oi, what are you saying? Did you forget or something? You used to be...a pirate!
- Jango: Crap! Yeah, you're right! Shall we dance, baby?
- Fullbody: LET'S DANCE!
- (Context: Jango and Fullbody, after succesfully capturing a pirate ship for the Navy, have a discussion on pirates which quickly turns into a dance party)
- Zoro: And that, is without a doubt, that.
- Usopp: Yeah, he [Sanji] was a lost cause from the get-go.
- Zoro: And so...
- (Close up of Zoro and Usopp)
- Zoro: The two of us are the last remaining bastions against her [Robin].
- Usopp: Yeah, those weak-minded fools have failed us all.
- Luffy: Oi, Usopp!
- (Close up of Usopp looking very evil)
- Usopp: Hmm?
- (Close up of Luffy doing Chopper impression, with Robin's hands for Chopper's horns)
- Luffy: Chopper!
- (Luffy, Usopp and Chopper roll on the floor laughing, while Zoro looks irritated)
(Context: Robin wants to join the Straw Hat Pirates, but Usopp and Zoro do not trust her. Luffy then does a Chopper impression)
- Usopp: AHH! IT'S NIGHT!
- Usopp: We gotta pull out, Luffy! We can still make it! You understand, right!? This whirlpool alone is enough to kill us! Sky Island's just a dream within a dream!
- Luffy: A dream within a dream? I guess so...
- Nami: That's right, Luffy! I don't think I can do this either!
- Luffy: An island from a dream within a dream? I could never pass up a great adventure like this!
- Usopp: He... He's having fun...
(Context: The ship is sucked into a whirlpool that will supposedly send them to Skypiea.)
- Nami: They still haven't decided yet? Sanji, that ball looks lovely on you!
- Zoro: Seriously, you look great, just like a prince, of the Idiot Kingdom.
(Context: During the Davy Back Fight's Groggy Ring, the Straw Hat team tries to decide who will be the ball man.)
- Alvida: Is that the bounty hunter you hired? Well, he certainly isn't Roronoa Zoro...
- Koby: ...!
- Alvida: So I'll give you one chance to repent... Who is the fairest throughout all the seas? Answer me!!!
- Koby: Heh heh heh... Lady Alvida, you--
- Luffy: Hey, who's that tough-looking old biddy?
- Alvida: !!!!
- Alvida's Crew: How dare... No way!
- Koby: Luffy!! Take it back!! Throughout all of the seas, Lady Alvida is... Lady Alvida is...
- Flashback Luffy: I'm gonna be the king of the pirates... And if I die trying... Then at least I tried!
- Koby: Lady Alvida is... The ugliest old hag of all!!!
(Context: When Alvida meets Luffy, she thinks he is a bounty hunter hired by Koby to kill her. She asks Koby who the fairest woman in the seas is, and he starts to say it's her, then Luffy insults her. Koby is shocked, then remembers what Luffy said to him, and decides to be brave.)
- Koby: Luffy, why did you go to sea anyway?
- Luffy: Well, ya see... I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!!!
- Koby: K-King of the Pirates!!!? But... You'd have to make the whole world kneel to you!!! Wealth, fame, power-- You'd have to achieve it all!!! Don't tell me you're after Gold Roger's lost treasure, "One Piece"!!!! Do you want to die!? Every pirate in the world is after that!!
- Luffy: And so am I.
- Koby: But the odds against you are astronomical!!? It's impossible!! You want to be the King of the Pirates in the golden age of piracy!? It'll never happen!!
(Luffy punches Koby in the face)
- Koby: Hey! W-Why'd you hit me!?
- Luffy: 'Cause I felt like it...
(Spandam about to take Nico Robin and Franky to the Gates of Justice)
- Spandam: Listen up, you bunch of fools! We urgently have to take Nico Robin away from the Straw Hat! We are heading to the Gates of Justice immediately! Bring those two!
- Marine: Ch-Chief!
- Spandam: It's alright, so won't you hurry for once!?
- Marine: But...Franky's butt is inflating!
(Franky's butt has become abnormally large)
- Spandam: Aah! What the hell is that?
- Franky: Oh, Spanda! I perceived my own life's end, and I chose the path of self-destruction instead.
- Spandam: What!??
- Franky: At least I'll take all of you down with me.
- Spandam: IDIOT! Idiiot, wait!
- Franky: With a giant explosion of a three kilometer diameter, I'm gonna close the curtain on my existence. Don't you try to stop me!
(All Marines begin to run away frantically)
- Spandam: Stop it! Save me! Don't involve me in this!
- Franky: Three...two...
- Spandam: Damn! I can't die here!
- Franky: One!
- Spandam: STOP IT!!
(Spandam jumps over the ledge of a staircase and lands on top of Marines below)
- Franky: Let's go, Nico Robin!
(Franky grabs hold of Robin with his legs)
- Franky: Coup de Boo!
(Franky farts loudly and sends himself flying through a wall and onto the balcony of the tower of Justice)
(After Luffy arrives on the Courthouse roof)
- Spandam: Listen to his desperate shouting! I wonder what kind of expression he has?
- Luffy: (With his finger up his nostril) What are you babbling about?
- Spandam: He's picking his nose!?
(When Sogeking shot down Spandam and Nico Robin started running away)
- Spandam: Shoot her!Shoot her to death without killing her!
- Marines: HUH?!
(After an avalanche in the country of snow)
- Vivi: Usopp-san!
- Usopp: What, Vivi? Don’t wake me up. I was having the most beautiful dream. Really, it was a world like nothing I’ve seen before...with its beautiful flower fields and its beautiful rivers.
- Usopp: Ah, the river, the river...
- Vivi: Don’t fall asleep! WAKE UP! (hits him repeatedly)
- Usopp: Ah! You saved me Vivi! So this is what it means to return from the brink of death! It’s great that I’m alive, but... (the camera pans to his bloated face) it me, or is my face swollen?
- Vivi: I-it’s frostbite. Frostbite.
- Usopp: Is it me, or does my head seem a bit heavier?
- Vivi: These Snowy Countries are dangerous, you know...
- Usopp: Is it me, or is my field of vision narrower?
- Vivi: Besides, we have to hurry. We need to gather our bearings and asses our situation!
- Usopp: Yeah, it’s probably just my imagination.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Just a crap talk...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Jogathon on 13th May 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I think a lot maybe?
Thursday, May 6, 2010
"What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol / wine? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol / wine?"
What God commands Christians regarding alcohol is to avoid drunkenness (Ephesians 5:18). The Bible condemns drunkenness and its effects (Proverbs 23:29-35). Christians are also commanded to not allow their bodies to be “mastered” by anything (1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19). Drinking alcohol in excess is undeniably addictive. Scripture also forbids a Christian from doing anything that might offend other Christians or encourage them to sin against their conscience (1 Corinthians 8:9-13). In light of these principles, it would be extremely difficult for any Christian to say he is drinking alcohol in excess to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Jesus changed water into wine. It even seems that Jesus drank wine on occasion (John 2:1-11; Matthew 26:29). In New Testament times, the water was not very clean. Without modern sanitation, the water was often filled with bacteria, viruses, and all kinds of contaminants. The same is true in many third-world countries today. As a result, people often drank wine (or grape juice) because it was far less likely to be contaminated. In 1 Timothy 5:23, Paul was instructing Timothy to stop drinking the water (which was probably causing his stomach problems) and instead drink wine. In that day, wine was fermented (containing alcohol), but not necessarily to the degree it is today. It is incorrect to say that it was grape juice, but it is also incorrect to say that it was the same thing as the wine commonly used today. Again, Scripture does not forbid Christians from drinking beer, wine, or any other drink containing alcohol. Alcohol is not, in and of itself, tainted by sin. It is drunkenness and addiction to alcohol that a Christian must absolutely refrain from (Ephesians 5:18; 1 Corinthians 6:12).
Alcohol, consumed in small quantities, is neither harmful nor addictive. In fact, some doctors advocate drinking small amounts of red wine for its health benefits, especially for the heart. Consumption of small quantities of alcohol is a matter of Christian freedom. Drunkenness and addiction are sin. However, due to the biblical concerns regarding alcohol and its effects, due to the easy temptation to consume alcohol in excess, and due to the possibility of causing offense and/or stumbling of others, it is usually best for a Christian to abstain entirely from drinking alcohol.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
It's My Life
Monday, May 3, 2010
Monday Comes!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Perfume...Eu De Toilette

Woot....bought these yesterday. I like the Love Etc. from The Body Shop but too bad the scent is not long lasting.
I should type a lot here but dunno somehow I feel no mood to comment anything. But I really enjoyed the shopping yesterday. I even took half day leave just to go shopping!!! And only went back home at 6pm. :P
But yesterday i was 'saved by the bell'. When i walked to Parkson, suddenly my sandal broken and I need to walk back to the car to get another sandals. I already predicted this thing will happen and put extra sandal inside the car. :P Luckily not many people that time and I bet nobody realized that I walked with my bare foot. Hahaha...
Parkson got sell, bought tracksuit + jacket (one suit) which cost only $89 while the real price suppose to be $200. Then bought new shoes + sandals which cost only $40 while the real price suppose to be $100. Then bought 2 cashmere shirts for only $40. Then bought perfumes. I really loved this part. I guess my first novel really helped a lot. For a while i did some researches regarding my writing, and these really helped at the perfumes shop. :P
Speaking of Love Etc. The base note: musk, sandalwood, vanilla; The middle note: Jasmine, heliotrope, lily of the valley; Top note: neroli, bergamot, pear. But what I can smell are vanilla and musk. Too bad the scent doesn't blend with my body scent. The 2nd perfume that I bought is from Silky Girl, Sporty. Also the Vanilla and Musk scent really strong as well as the alcohol also really strong.
Next month I will get the Elizabeth Arden perfume. It's kinda funny coz I start 'crazy' with perfumes.
Then went to Daesim to buy watch and earrings. The watch is green color, the beaded watch. Then went to Premier to buy jeans and belt. The original price suppose to be $120 but I get the 50% discount and I get the red color belt to match the jeans.
Today i wear new jeans, new cashmere shirt (pink strip), new belt, new shoes, new watch and also new perfume. Personally I like the belt....its really match with the shirt. Hahahaha...glad that i get the color. Next time I must get the white color belt....and also another watch to match with any color shirts. I like the jeans too tho' the size a bit bigger (i get the 28 size tho' my size is 27) ...but doesnt matter, i might grow bigger. Hahahaha.....
And I also surveyed for the laptop....and I asked about the original (i should say licensing) Microsoft Office. The guy said $288. I will go and check again next time. Haiz~
I know yesterday TH arrived at KL around 6.30pm. I just have some kind of weird feeling (but nah...nevermind...). I think these few days (weekend) I wont online so much as i want to occupy myself with 'real life'.
No matter what, life must goes on. He doesnt know my existence, at the same time, life is great....always.... Cheer up!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Happy Night Out?
When I reached home, dad asked whether I want to join having dinner at my auntie's house, so I just said okay. That was not totally a worse dinner as I'm not the only 'subject' that night. Hahaha.....I just realized my cousin also on the same boat with me. His mom starts talking about marriage, then mom also interrupted. And both me and my cousin looked at each other meaningfully, "Gosh....."
At the same time my other auntie (all dad's sisters) served a glass of bacardi apple. At first I thought it was a sky juice. ZzzZzz....While the aunties-uncles nagging here and there, I kept drinking bacardi (with 32% alcohol) until half bottle finished. :P
It's a good thing when my cousin stand out for us and said, "We're not ready yet to involve in commitment." Hahahaha.... I dont know his issue, but for my issue, i think stay single is better as i have more freedom, hahahaha.....that's it, unless if Bill or Colin wants me? :P
We were talking about many issues, including the black magic, and even the dead. The best part was.....blackout! Nobody could see my face, errr....maybe a drunken face. :P We went back around 10pm, and I could feel my head spinning (but i dont think im drunk yet), great, bacardi on the rock really get me. Haha...
And that night, I had 3 dreams, the first dream was Humanoid City Tour. It's kinda weird coz they determine the tour with color; such as Yellow Humanoid City Tour, Green Humanoid City Tour....bla..bla...bla...
The 2nd dream was me...on the stage trying to perform a song which I wrote myself. I was accompanied by 2 more fellow which i believe my cousins, but the worst part is, when it was my turn to perform, suddenly my guitar strings tangled to each other, then 1 guy came and gave me 'sape'! So i was like, "What the hell!!! How can I play this song using sape'?" But no matter what, the show must go on, I played the song using sape' and in the middle of the song, I asked my cousin, "Come on tell me what's the next chord?" And she was like, "O, E.." in a loud voice and when i woke up, I was like, "Never heard any O chord." Hahaha....
But I still remember part of the song lyric, "Loving You, Loving Me.....Together we can make it true." And the melody is like the combination of a song "Loving You....." and also MJ song, "We are the world....we are the children....."
In my dream, I could see many queers people, mostly the blondie, some with the dreadlocks hair. Hmm...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Two Different Worlds
Shadow Lover
Title : Shadow Lover
Shadow-Lover, never seen by day,
Only deep in dreams do you appear
Wisdom tells me I should turn away,
Love of mist and shadows, all unclear-
Nothing can I hold of you but thought
Shadow-Lover mist and twilight wrought.
Shadow-Lover, comfort me in pain.
Love, although I never see your face,
All who'd have me fear you speak in vain-
Never would I shrink from your embrace
Shadow-Lover, gentle is your hand
Never could another understand.
Shadow-Lover, soothe me when I mourn
Mourn for all who left me here alone,
When my grief is too much to be borne,
When my burdens crushing-great have grown,
Shadow-Lover, I cannot forget-
Help me bear the burdens I have yet.
Shadow-Lover, you alone can know
How I long to reach a point of peace
How I fade with weariness and woe
How I long for you to bring release.
Shadow-Lover, court me in my dreams
Bring the peace that suffering redeems.
Shadow-Lover, from the Shadows made,
Lead me into Shadows once again.
Where you lead I cannot be afraid,
For with you I shall come home again-
In your arms I shall not fear the night.
Shadow-Lover, lead me into light.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Another Idea...
Monday, April 19, 2010
IS Training
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Love This Part - The Strong Toilet Paper!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
1. If I Have My Second Life
2. The Past Memories
3. Mystic
4. Madness
Madness is about fans....a very fanatic one...who screams for their favorite celebrities.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Second Life.....maybe???
Bill was asking me to talk to Tom which as a result, Tom thought that i just a very freaky fanatic fan a.k.a a stalker and he never believe my words. I almost give up but Bill was there, standing next to Tom while he couldnt even see him.
So when I wake up this morning, I was thinking, why not i make it into a story. I know it's sound so stereotype, but I can make it original tho'. Which mean I will come out with 2 books; book 1 and book 2.
Book 1 is all about the gal....this gal who can see a spirit (with no special talent), trying to convince the brother that the 'spirit' still alive. They (the gal and the spirit) get to know each other better, they even write a song together.
Book 2 is about the spirit who gets up from his comma state. He cant remember anything, but everywhere he goes, he can feel the memories, which is like a dream. His brother knows it well, but doesnt want to tell him. But at last, they make a public announcement of finding this 'special' gal who saved his life.
Monday, April 12, 2010
My New Hair Style and the eyes???
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Bill Kaulitz....again?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Another convo with Siput on 1st April 2010 - April Fool?
Saya says:
Saya says:
Saya says:
creating a gud image is not as gud as having a gud one in the first place
...Kidz... says:
but who cares? they are the world's idol
...Kidz... says:
fans can easily forgive them
Saya says:
true...based on what i see in the other fans who actually talk to them its like they don't care even if they had their one nite of pleasure and cast aside
Saya says:
*being cast aside after that
Saya says:
as long as they get to have their dream "come true"
Saya says:
but i often wonder whether what the fans fantasize about their "celebrity beloved" is as good as the real deal they encounter fr real
...Kidz... says:
nope..for sure nope
...Kidz... says:
tua salah seorang daripada orang yang fall in tht category
...Kidz... says:
which is pretty sad actually
Saya says:
and whether would they feel disappointed after they give themselves to the celeb only to feel that it's just s3x
Saya says:
nothing more than that?
Saya says:
correction, we are not in that category yet
Saya says:
Saya says:
we are still lucky compared to the other girls out there who actually went as far as to sleep around with them
...Kidz... says:
just becoz we r so far away...
...Kidz... says:
nti tua ulih tracking sida ya u think u wont become one of them?
...Kidz... says:
nti nda....sampai besebut ka one night stand
Saya says:
i know i won't become one of them
Saya says:
bcuz my heart is unfortunately, ruled by my brain
Saya says:
...Kidz... says:
...Kidz... says:
i might want to have one night stand with bradley....but with 2nd thought.....i think nope
...Kidz... says:
...Kidz... says:
i wont 'give' him wht he wants
Saya says:
bcuz this runs thru my mind when i think about them having one nite stands
Saya says:
she's giving herself to me for free....who am i to resist her fantasies
Saya says:
to me, i'd like the idea of one nite stands just to hang out with them all night without anything embarrassing happening
Saya says:
it's my kind of IDEAL one night stand-----talking all nite about everything under the sun with the celeb that i admire and getting some answers on how his views are
Saya says:
but not like an interview kinda way
Saya says:
but like old frens who just reconciled kinda way
...Kidz... says:
but i really wanna meet collin morgan and ask him this stupid question, "how do you feel being pulled up using the wire and crashed into the wall....does it hurt?"
...Kidz... says:
Saya says:
Saya says:
gud one
Saya says:
i'm surprised u didn't turn out to be a journalist
...Kidz... says:
...Kidz... says:
too bad....
...Kidz... says:
im ready with the questions to ask either bradley n u night stand to chit chat with them....but i prefer on the park....under the moonlight
Saya says:
Saya says:
exactly like that
Saya says:
where the nite is soundless
...Kidz... says:
...Kidz... says:
actually my 2nd story suppose to dedicate for bradley....
Saya says:
oyh....nyau di-romanticized ga idea nyk dah nyka
Saya says:
Saya says:
hmm....i think i will dedicate my second story to all the celebs i've been fascinated by
Saya says:
or better, use their personality within the characters
...Kidz... says:
exactly.....but i change his Austin Bradley
Saya says:
Saya says:
good one
...Kidz... says:
it's about a gal...she's a travel writer
...Kidz... says:
actually she meets austin bradley by coincidence
...Kidz... says:
his wallet drop....dikutip indu tu
...Kidz... says:
then they always meet everywhere.....tapi austin bradley tu a bit arrogant ga....he said the gal stalking him
...Kidz... says:
actually nadai indu nya stalking ya
...Kidz... says:
the story is about tht....ending ya...i think i might put it ironic a bit
...Kidz... says:
ending ya....relationship ya nggau laki nya nda berkekalan.....she go back to her country....dlm flight, she meets another guy...which is not a celebrity
...Kidz... says:
and live happily ever after
...Kidz... says:
Saya says:
Saya says:
gud one
Saya says:
u have one of the most original stories ever]
...Kidz... says:
thts y tajuk ya Obsession
Saya says:
it's a wonder why u never got them published
Saya says:
Saya says:
ytd, i saw a book wth the same title
Saya says:
...Kidz... says:
coz my grammar not so strong....i just use common words
...Kidz... says:
okok..i might change the title
Saya says:
Saya says:
kawan boss is here
...Kidz... says:
Another dream again yesterday night
Dreaming of a cat is a generally unfortunate omen and it shows treachery as well as a run of bad luck. If you chase the cat away you will overcome your adversaries or turn your bad luck into good. For the cat lovers who dream of cats you have a whole new meaning....if the cat is beautiful you will meet an attractive person who will become your mate. If the cat scratches you then will you meet with treachery and deceit.
Orait....i remember i dream of cat yesterday. Actually it's owned by an old lady...she said she wants the cat to be pretty. I saw the cat was a normal cat...grey color but the fur were hmm....either being green color and colourful. But i could see the green color obviously. The cat was tame....and i kept stroking the cat's fur. The lady even liked me....and before i wake up....the lady was asking me to help her to call a cab....I remember i wrote down her address but after wake up i cant remember the address anymore....but for sure the address is not from this country.
Become a Teacher???
I was kinda lost my way to the staffroom. I saw the entrance door but I thought I can use another way round to reach the entrance door but it leads me to another room. At last I need to turn back. I remember that I opened the small door which lead to a 5 stars washroom. I also walked pass a few teachers which never talk to me at all.
When at last I found the staffroom, at the entrance, there were 2 small kids (which i believe were students), playing with a hose and 1 of the kids sprayed the water toward me. I was soaked and I walked toward the kid and pulled his right ear and said, "Be careful, I know your dad....he is my very best friend." The kid just kept quiet after that.
Then I entered the staffroom (which I found out that it turned out to become a cafeteria), so I sat at the nearest seat that I could see. I met a few teachers which were friendly enough. The headmaster started to give a short speech before he allowed the next teacher which was sitting in front of me to give her speech. And that time i said, " sure they gonna ask me to give a speech next." But i was lucky as she only introduced me to everybody and I only need to stand up, but I found out another guy (another teacher) also stood up, he might mistook it or might do it on purpose to welcome me.
After that, they started to talk about game. And the teacher who was sitting next to me said, "This remind me of the time when we keep fighting last time." She was like 40 years old, but a very energetic lady, she wore red color dress and her hair was white color and short. I seemed to know her for ages as she was so friendly, maybe she's the only teacher who talks to me.
Then they started to shout "Over village.." So....the game called Over Village....(i dont understand anything) and some of the teachers started doing the action...or maybe some kind of dance?
The lady teacher whispered to me, "Look behind me, do you recognize him?" So i turned my head over my shoulder and I spotted a guy. He looked at me at the same time and smiled a bit (some kind of unsincere smile) then he moved toward a guy (another teacher) who sits next to me. I tried to look at the guy again, just in case if I recognize his face but it comes in vain.
So i turned my face and concentrated with the stage. After that I took out a tissue from my clutch and wiped out the water from my face. I still wet!
I can't remember the dream end at which 'scene' as after that my dream changed....then I dream of Colin Morgan. I know that I dream of him just I cant remember the 'storyline'.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Nothing Much
I was too obsessed with Bradley J. until i need to get over it. Luckily I found the books and after I read the books, I feel better now. Phewww...So no more star crush. :P But I still carry on with my 2nd novel. Already thought of the ending. And this morning I told Siput about the storyline and she said I come out with one of the most original story. Is that a compliment or??? Doesnt the idea is not taken from anywhere....I just come out with the idea with my obsession. :P
Then, speaking of yesterday. Anyway....YAY! i got back my internet line at home. This time with better connection and better speed. Talking about the installation.....there was one embarassing incident. The technician guy didnt know my house, so I told him the direction to my house...but he still lost. And at last I went out to fetch him at the junction. It's funny as I used my instinct to recognize him. Anyway.....the guy was kinda cute. Lol! And once he parked the car in front of my house, our neigbour's daughter said, "Wow.....cute..." And....really embarrassed me! I bet they mistook the guy as my boyfriend. ZzzZzz.... usual I talked a lot....or more to asking a lot of questions. :P That's just my natural. Act innocent, act naive....while digging for more knowledges. The guy was quite okay....But....I bet bro already scolding the guy the night before. ZzzZzz....
I also asking the same question....why in the approval email, suppose to be 22nd March but until now the internet hasnt install yet....and i could sense his guilty....he said he totally forgot until I called back. ZzzZzz....But it's not my style to lost my i just ignored...But i noticed 1 thing....he smelled like car air freshener. A very strong one! Which remind me of my first novel. Lol!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Ridiculous Dream. Lol!
gud morning
...KidZ... says:
u can online
Saya says:
starting ur morning with the gay song? huhu
for now, sebelum the computer technician datai
...KidZ... says:
hahaha gay song
oh....gud then
sanu nadai poliklinik
u wanna knw my dream last nite?
muahahahaha....tht the most ridiculous dream i ever had
Saya says:
anything to brighten my day
...KidZ... says:
this time i dream of Colin Morgan (maybe coz i listened too much gay song last nite) my dream...i s'eemed to be inside 1 room (like a dorm) with 1 gal
the gal wrote something (bad comment) on a piece of paper and she even read it out loud
then i heard a voice from outside the someone c'rying?
so i opened the door and i saw merlin!
Saya says:
merlin crying?
...KidZ... says:
Saya says:
u call out his name or not?
merlin or colin?
...KidZ... says:
i called him Collin
i sat next to him and then i tried to brighten his mood
this is the word tht came out from me doesnt make sense
i said to him, "TYN"
which mean "To Your Notification"
but actually i twisted the word "To Your Nudity"
i dunno got such word as Nudity?
Saya says:
when there are nude contents
...KidZ... says:
waaaaa.....terror ga aku dlm mimpi
then....i asked him to close his eyes
he followed
u knw wht i did to him?
i took out all his clothes
left him naked
but i didnt do anything to him
i was trying to help
Saya says:
...KidZ... says:
then i walked him to the lift.....many ppl inside the lift
Saya says:
u really do wanna see him naked
...KidZ... says:
Saya says:
...KidZ... says:
never thought of tht
i protected him
u knw....ppl inside the lift really shocked when they saw him naked
Saya says:
...KidZ... says:
i pushed him to one corner....and whenever someone wanna touched him, i defend him using my arms
i covered his naked butt
Saya says:
u're really into this person
boss aku datai
gtg 4 a bit
...KidZ... says:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This obsession is killing me!
Maybe I've been unfair to him. I shouldn't hate him. And I like Bradley, but now I feel like no different from the others. I already turned into a groupie.
Don't know what happen to me today. I'm so much into London, and now, I might not be able to go there, at least not in a decade!
Siput told me that we might start with the nearest location first, maybe Thailand, Australia, China, Japan, Indonesia. I dream of London almost everyday! What am i suppose to do?
But life isn't fair. It leaves us with no choice. I wish I can do more in this life. I want to travel all around the world, and learn about the others culture.
And i'm thinking of some miracles. I kept asking my friends (few friends like Siput and Panda), "Are there any miracles in this world?" And both of them answered me, "Of coz." But how come I don't feel any?
I'm waiting...and still waiting...I'm lurking...and still lurking....
Just i hope i have this strength if someday I'm gonna meet Bradley. And I might wish "all the best" to R-Patz too. Just hope that, hmm....I can't say it...haiz~ I really need to get rid of this obsession! I'm no different from the others now. I'm nothing special now....and they know that.
I need to get over this obsession
i feel like a groupie now
no different from the others
and no special from the others too
i shldn't do this said (1:59 PM):
welcome to my world
...KidZ... said (1:52 PM):
Haiz~ said (2:00 PM):
hehehehehe said (2:01 PM):
kinda makes u feel a little reckless don't it?
...KidZ... said (1:53 PM):
nti ya nemu...ketawa jak ya....and the next...he will forget
i feel like deluded moron
why im doing ths?
...KidZ... said (1:54 PM):
the more i read about him over the net....the more i feel nothing special
i nothing special said (2:03 PM):
bcuz of an obsession
...KidZ... said (1:55 PM):
some ppl even said, "my bradley" and i feel like "ewwww...."
and he never google
i need to get rid of this obsession said (2:03 PM):
lols... said (2:04 PM):
other ppl say that Jack is theirs, but i know that i have to share him with the rest of the world
...KidZ... said (1:56 PM):
but u knw wht...i have a bad feeling about this said (2:04 PM):
it's their nature of business
...KidZ... said (1:56 PM):
Haiz~ said (2:04 PM):
bad feeling about wat?
...KidZ... said (1:56 PM):
yea..we need to share them with the whole world said (2:05 PM):
and that's the only thing stopping me from being too obsessed with this person
i can only have him in my dreams
...KidZ... said (1:57 PM):
last time i liked jonathan brandis so the end ya mati munuh diri
ok...having him in my dream.....ok...gud idea said (2:05 PM):
when all else fails, dream a little dream
i know....kinda sad
...KidZ... said (1:57 PM): real life...i dun think i will do anything even he is right in front of me said (2:06 PM):
nt ya nda ulih tegiga ke life partner, we could volunteer
yeah, i can only have them in my dreams
...KidZ... said (1:58 PM):
nah...u think sida nda tegiga...with everybody claimed to be his said (2:07 PM):
its becuz of that they are actually intimidated with the real world
if i were them, i would be too when ppl all over the world thinks that you could be theirs
...KidZ... said (2:00 PM):
nobody will say tht to us said (2:08 PM):
its not easy to find someone who's not obsessed with the image that you sell on the media, but who would accept you for urself said (2:09 PM):
ur bad habits, ur crude language when u're off the lights...etc
nda senang
aruh ya r-patz madah he finds it diff to keep up
...KidZ... said (2:01 PM):
im not his huge fan..let say nti ya nanya aku, "do u knw who am i? how much u knw me?" i wont be able to answer him said (2:10 PM):
of course
...KidZ... said (2:02 PM):
R-Patz nya minta puji said (2:10 PM):
nobody would, bcuz they're too full of themselves to begin with
...KidZ... said (2:02 PM):
he just scared tht his fan will runaway said (2:10 PM):
hmm.... said (2:11 PM):
u know how he treated an obsessed fan while in spain?
u shud know since u read bout him
...KidZ... said (2:03 PM):
R-Patz? said (2:11 PM):
he took that girl out on a so-called date, talked on and on about how bad his day is said (2:12 PM):
sampai indu nyk muak n just leave him
...KidZ... said (2:04 PM):
oh i knw
he took the gal for dinner said (2:12 PM):
that was the rudest thing he did which he admitted publicly in an interview
...KidZ... said (2:04 PM):
hehehe said (2:12 PM):
...KidZ... said (2:04 PM):
u knw said (2:12 PM):
that's the one
...KidZ... said (2:04 PM):
if i were the gal said (2:12 PM):
look, i have to be going now
...KidZ... said (2:04 PM):
i will never leave him
...KidZ... said (2:05 PM):
im a great listener said (2:13 PM):
...KidZ... said (2:05 PM):
just listen to him maa
we dun have to do anything said (2:13 PM):
gud luck to both of you then
...KidZ... said (2:06 PM):
ayoo said (2:14 PM):
i go off first, need to go for lunch, then look back at the accounts statements
...KidZ... said (2:06 PM):
i dun like R-Patz said (2:14 PM):
take it easy, cya when i get back from lunch
i'd like to continue this discussion again after
...KidZ... said (2:07 PM):
kk said (1:54 PM):
eh, i go make phone call first before i leave said (2:12 PM):
hehehe said (2:13 PM):
why? said (2:14 PM):
i go off first, need to go for lunch, then look back at the accounts statements
...KidZ... said (2:14 PM):