Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I think a lot maybe?

Today is a happy day for me, but yesterday I felt a bit down. I guess i think so much about everything. Yesterday I went outstation together with Angela and boss. Luckily that was a day trip. Personally, I like the place and also the staff. I admit that i really enjoyed giving 'lecture'. And I guarantee everybody was having fun. At one point i kept laughing non-stop especially the time when i tried to draw the fronds and also the fruits. And they even giving me a stupid answer when I showed the picture of 'safety seal'. ZzzZzz...They said Pregnancy test! Hahahahaha..

I also mad at boss coz he broke the promise. He left me with the Indonesian workers and I was the one who had to 'talk' to the Indonesian workers....with my broken Indonesian language. Really ZzzZzz...

When reached home in the evening, suddenly I felt sad. I saw that 'the guy' did online in the morning and he wrote something on his FB wall, and then he wrote something on his friend wall too, telling the gal that hope they can meet up at the KLIA later. Not that I felt jealous or whatever, just i felt sad coz he didnt write anything to me. At last i end up by answering the quizzes in FB before sleep.

Today, I feel happy. Hehehe.... 'That guy' is always full of surprise. This is how i describe about him. Whenever I feel opposite about him, he will show the opposite from what i thought. Like I thought that he will never think of me, but when I read his wall, i noticed that he "likes" my post. Yea..i know it was nothing but it was something too. He clicked "like the post", the post is regarding the quiz that i took...When will i get married and the result is at age 40.

I remember what Panda said, "he still care about you even if he just write something on your wall." Yea....meaning he still care to read my wall. Hehehehe.... :P

And Siput said something like maybe he doesnt want to be so clingy or else other people will notice that something going on. Hmm....maybe... Or maybe he also waiting for me to write something to him? But at the end i did write a private message to him, I just asking how is Korea, then saying that I noticed he always online early in the morning. And then i told him about my activities for the week. It's kinda lame. ZzzZzz....

And...I wonder why when he posted something on his wall and I'm the first one to comment it (my first time to comment actually), nobody will comment anything next. Really ZzzZzz....Am i so hateful?

No matter what....I'm feeling happy...Just like he can read my mind. :P