Friday, June 3, 2011

The Story of St. Michael

:: St. Michael the Archangel ::

The Archangel Saint Michael is perhaps one of the best known of the angels. Like Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael he is not only an angel but also an Archangel, which is a chief angel. He is honoured in Christian tradition but also among the Jews and Moslems.

The name "Michael" means ”who is like God". The Greek word "angelos" means messenger.Angels are incorporeal creatures who praise God, act as messengers between God and man, and serve as guardians of nations, peoples, and individuals. Angels are often ordered into nine categories and are mentioned 192 times in Sacred Scripture. Four of these times St. Michael's name is recorded:

1) Daniel 10:13 ~ But the prince (that is the guardian angel of Persia) of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me one and twenty days, and behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me...

2) Daniel 12:1 ~ But at that time (end of the world) shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who stands up for the children of your people.

3) Jude 1:9 ~ Yet when Michael the archangel was fiercely disputing with the devil about the body of Moses...

4) Apocalypse (Revelation) 12:7 - 9 ~ And there was a battle in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and although the dragon and his angels. fought back, they were overpowered and lost their place in heaven. The huge dragon, the ancient serpent known as the devil or Satan, the seducer of the whole world, was driven out and hurled down to earth and his minions with him.

From these passages four offices are often assigned to St. Michael:

v to fight against Satan and evil

v to rescue the souls of the faithful from the power of the devil

v to be the champion of God's people

v to summon people's souls from this earth and bring them to judgement

It is the later, future-oriented, drama found in the account from the Apocalypse (Revelation), which combined with other extra-scriptural and legendary traditions, to give us the story of St. Michael, as we know it:

After the creation of the heavens and earth, there was a battle in heaven. Lucifer, the "light-bearer", the "morning star", who was the chief among angels, rebelled against God. Because of Lucifer's envy, pride, and desire to sit upon God's throne, he did not want to be subject to God or to serve Him. He took a third of the angels into revolt with him. Michael however, was loyal to God, and declared he would serve God, for "who is like unto God" ("Michael"). With the other two-thirds of the angels he defeated Lucifer and cast him and his supporters out of heaven. Lucifer now became called Satan ("adversary") and those angels who supported him became devils. As a reward for his loyalty Michael was made the chief angel. Due to this leadership role the Church named the Archangel a Saint, and the Eastern Liturgy assigned him the title of the "Archistrategos" ("highest general").

Besides these roles of a military nature there is another role which was assigned to St. Michael, that of healer. This tradition started in Phrygia where many healing hot springswere dedicated to him. Soon Constantinople revered him as a celestial doctor. As time went on he was invoked in a variety of other roles. In Egypt he became the patron of the Nile and his feast is celebrated on the day that the river rises. Germany and France also have a special veneration for him that involves rugged natural landscape, such as mountains, the most famous of all being Mont. St. Michael in Brittany. He is the guardian of Portugal where his feast is celebrated on the third Sunday of June by special permission of the Pope. Among his other titles are: Prince, Angel of Chivalry, Angel of Judgement, and Angel of the Sun.

The cult of St. Michael is very old. The Jewish people revered him as the patron ofIsraeland he often appeared in the Hebraic Kabbal and other mystical writings and traditions.

In Christianity Pope Sylvester in Rome and Patriarch Alexander in Alexandria both introduced the feast in the fourth century. The Western Church celebrates the Feast of Saint Michael on September 29th, along with Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, and all the Archangels, while in the Eastern Church this same Feast is celebrated on November 8th.

The first emperor to convert to Christianity, Constantine the Great (324 - 337), built a church in honour of St. Michael on the Bosphorus at a spot called Anaplus, some fifty miles south of Constantinople. On the opposite headland on the Asiatic shore, the emperor Justinian built another church in St. Michael's honour. During the fourth and fifth centuries alone, within Constantinople and its vicinity, there were built some fifteen churches and chapels dedicated to this Archangel. Other cities and towns soon followed. Ravena, for example, erected a large church to St. Michael and kept his feast on June 9 th. During the reign of the emperor Arcadius, yet another famous church was built in Constantinople, by some healing springs, dedicated to St. Michael and all the "synaxis" (synod, assembly) of angels. This feast of the Synaxis of St. Michael and all the angels, was celebrated on November 8 th, and hence, this date became the main one in which the Archangel was revered in the Eastern Church. This feast quickly spread over the entire Greek, Syrian, and Coptic Church.

In both Western paintings and Eastern iconography, St. Michael is represented in certain standard artistic ways. He has a halo, denoting his sanctity, and is winged as most angels are.

The concept of angels being winged was a late one in Judaism, coming after the Babylonian captivity. The winged lions and bulls of the Assyrians and the griffins of the Hittites influenced the Israelites. In Western pictures he usually carries either a sword (denoting his defeat over Satan and evil), and/or a scale (depicting his role in the last judgement). Often a horned, winged, Satan or dragon is being trampled under foot and put to death. Frequently the gaping cavern of a burning hell is depicted as the intended destiny of the devil. Although some Eastern icons do have St. Michael holding a scale, or sword, and picture him triumphing over the evil one, mostly the Saint is portrayed as holding a staff and/or an orb, representing his messenger and seer roles and his sage, insightful governance. His face is fair and noble looking, and his entire pose is a peaceful and ethereal one.

:: Prayer to St. Michael ::

:: Help us and protect us from the evil one ::

Thinking of Making Baju Kurung

:: Baju Kurung Songket ::

:: Baju Kebaya Nyonya ::

:: Baju Kurung Songket ::

Hmm.... I like the middle one, baju kebaya nyonya...I will definitely make one for myself, and then for kurung kedah, I will make it kurung kedah songket, and the colour.....hmm....maroon, light yellow and......maybe blue...or grey...i think I'll go for grey....

Or should I go to the butik at Parkson there and buy the ready made one? Hmm....

Learning to Sense and See Your Aura

Learning to sense and see your Aura

First sit comfortably facing a pale, plain or white wall. Make sure there is no direct sunlight or artificial light shinning on you. Stretch out your right arm in front of you - so it is in front of the wall (do not touch the wall). Make sure the back of your right hand is facing you.

Open out your fingers and look at the space in between your fingers and the wall. Only look at the space in between your fingers - not at your fingers. Now allow your eyes to completely relax. You will begin to see a fuzzy white or gray outline around your fingers. If you begin to see this it means you are doing the exercise right. What you are actually seeing is your aura.

Continue to look in between your fingers at the fuzzy outline. As you continue to look at the fuzzy outline you should notice it start to change colour - usually to blue. Keep looking at your aura until you can see it all around your hand and fingers.

If you do not notice anything at first, then please do not give up, keep trying and trying as with practice the exercise will become easier and easier. You can do this exercise any time and place.

View the aura around your head

Stand in front of a mirror. Make sure that there is a plain wall or background behind and around you. Again make sure there is no direct sunlight or artificial light shinning on you.

Look at the space above your head and let your eyes completely relax. You should begin to see a fuzzy white or grey outline appear around your head. If you do begin to see this then you are doing the exercise right as this is your aura.

Continue to look at the fuzzy white / grey light and you will begin to notice it change colour - it usually changes to blue. You are now looking at your etheric body - your aura. Watch as this blue outline stretches over your head and shoulders.

Learn to sense and feel your Aura

I love doing this exercise and you can do it any place and any where. I find it quite therapeutic and relaxing. It is amazing feeling once you learn to sense, feel and see your aura.

Sit or stand comfortably and make sure you will not be disturbed (once you get the hang of it, you will find that you can do this exercise any time and in any environment). Hold the palms of your hands close together - notice how this feels.

Move your palms of your hands apart and then bring them together again, keeping doing this over and over. Notice how it feels and what you can see. As you move the palms together and apart you should begin to feel a pulling like feeling.

Each time you move your palms of your hands forwards and backwards just take them slightly further apart each time. As you continue moving them forward and apart you will begin to notice a sensation building up in the palms of your hands.

You will begin to feel your palms become hot and it will feel like elastic in between each hand. If you feel this then you are sensing and feeling your aura. If you relax your eyes and look at your hands as you do this exercise then you will begin to even see this aura. It will first look like heat waves and eventually change colour to white and then blue. You will be able to see this energy pulling back and forth as you move your hands.

Seeing the Aura's of those around you

Ask a friend or family member if they would not mind you practicing on them and trying to see their auras. Ask your family member or friend to please sit comfortably in a chair. Make sure that the walls behind and around them are white or plain in colour. Also make sure that there is no artificial light or direct sunlight in the room.

Sit opposite your friend or family member and look just above the top of their head. Let your eyes relax completely and keep looking. You should begin to see a grey / white fuzzy outline - which should begin to change colour to blue. If you continue to look at your friend or family members aura, you should then begin to see the aura changing colour again.

Notice what colour their aura changes too and what its Patten is. Is it all around them or is it in a broken pattern? What is the shape and colour of their Aura?


Notes : Aura......during Gawai Open House, I talked to Siput about Aura. And I remember what Pn. Zahanin said about Aura as here it is.....


The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (Human Energy Field-HEF) and every organism and object in the Universe.

The Human Energy Field as a collection of electro - magnetic energies of varying densities that permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This "auric egg" emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 metre on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground.

:: Photo of Aura ::


The aura consist of seven levels/layers/auric bodies . Each one of the subtle bodies that exist around the physical body, has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and affect one another and the person's feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviour, and health as well. Therefore a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others.


1) Physical auric body - Physical sensations. Simple physical comfort, pleasure, health.

2) The etheric auric body - Emotions with respect to self. Self-acceptance and self love.

3) Vital auric body - Rational mind. To understand the situation in a clear, linear, rational way.

4) Astral (emotional) body - Relations with others. Loving interaction with friends and family.

5) Lower mental auric body - Divine will within. To align with the divine will within, to make commitment to speak and follow the truth.

6) Higher mental auric body - Divine love, and spiritual ecstasy.

7) Spiritual (intuitive) body - Divine mind, serenity. To be connected to divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern.


RED AURA COLOR: Relates to the physical body, hart or circulation. The densest color, it creates the most friction. Friction attracts or repels; money worries or obsessions; anger or unforgiveness; anxiety or nervousness

Deep Red: Grounded, realistic, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented.

Muddied red: Anger (repelling)

Clear red: Powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual, passionate

Pink-bright and light: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revieved romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.

Dark and murky pink: Immature and/or dishonest nature

Orange Red: Confidence, creative power

In a good, bright and pure state, red energy can serve as a healthy ego.

ORANGE AURA COLOR: Relates to reproductive organs and emotions. The color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. Lots of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to apetites and addictions;

Orange-Yellow: Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, perfectionist, scientific.

YELLOW AURA COLOR: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.

Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.

Bright lemon-yellow: Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.

Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright: Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.

Dark brownish yellow or gold: A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analitical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.

GREEN AURA COLOR: Relates to heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social

Bright emerald green: A healer, also a love-centered person

Yellow-Green: Creative with heart, communicative

Dark or muddy forest green: Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism

Turquoise: Relates to the immune system. Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist.

BLU AURA COLOR: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive.

Soft blue: Peacefulness, clarity and communication; truthful; intuitive

Bright royal blue: Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming

Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth

INDIGO AURA COLOR: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.

VIOLET AURA COLOR: Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self. Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.

LAVENDER AURA COLOR: Imagination, visionary, daydreamer, etheric.

SILVER AURA COLOR: This is the color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind.

Bright metallic silver: Receptive to new ideas; intuitive; nurturing

Dark and muddy gray: Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in specific areas of the body

GOLD AURA COLOR: The color of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good. It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker.

BLACK AURA COLOR: Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it. Usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems; also, entitities within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past life hurts; unreleased grief from abortions if it appears in the ovaries

WHITE AURA COLOR: Reflects other energy. A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura. Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.

White sparkles or flashes of white light: angels are nearby; can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon

EARTH AURA COLORS: Soil, wood, mineral, plant. These colors display a love of the Earth, of being grounded and is seen in those who live and work on the, farming, etc. These colors are important and are a good sign.

RAINBOWS: Rainbow-colored stripes, sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head or body: A Reiki healer, or a starperson (someone who is in the first incarnation on Earth)

PASTELS: A sensitive blend of light and color, more so than basic colors. Shows sensitivity and a need for serenity.

DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY: Holding on to energies. Insecurity.

DIRTY GRAY OVERLY: Blocking energies. Guardedness.

Precious Chat with Him

Kidz (22/5/2011 12:32:45 AM):
then....thinking also....the other day u said u want to go mekkah in 10 years time...wah...kira tak lama lg tht case when u plan to end ur bachelor day?
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:34:26 AM):
as soon as possible
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:34:30 AM):
when you free, and when u want
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:34:45 AM):
ah? what? what?
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:35:55 AM):
i mean, i will end my bachelor zaman when u ready to marry
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:36:05 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:36:23 AM):
u always ready right
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:36:26 AM):
u got money to marry or not?
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:36:29 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:36:54 AM):
i dont know, i have lot in the bank, but dont know how much
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:37:16 AM):
talking about marriage ar.....
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:37:23 AM):
i have my own prinsip...
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:37:39 AM):
saya tak nak pakai duit mak bapak untuk berkahwin
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:37:41 AM):
am i need to buy a gong to marry u? give as hantaran..
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:37:45 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:37:47 AM):
no la
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:37:53 AM):
im a modern iban
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:38:03 AM):
if i married...i wont married cara kampung
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:38:06 AM):
kelabit must do that
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:38:24 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:38:24 AM):
no la....hantaran biasa what malay ppl do
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:38:31 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:38:52 AM):
hantaran is not important...its a life after is more important to me
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:38:53 AM):
if my money, think not enough yet
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:39:34 AM):
ya, of course, hantaran tu la yg take a lot of money
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:39:43 AM):
thats why i ask you....when u want to end ur bachelor have to have ur aim...or else you dont know what to do with ur money
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:42:08 AM):
kerja already have, guru
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:42:44 AM):
ok, 2013
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:43:05 AM):
is it too late?
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:43:13 AM):
within 2 1/2 years time
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:43:39 AM):
no...u have to hv ur own plan
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:45:26 AM):
1)where posting, 2)where u posting, 3)if marry, where want to live
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:45:55 AM):
within 3 years we can apply to change the school rite?
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:46:07 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:46:08 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:46:15 AM):
so...whats the problem then?
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:46:52 AM):
after marry, live apartly la for one year?
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:47:04 AM):
oh.. but its ok
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:47:09 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:47:21 AM):
i like to hear whats your thought
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:47:22 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:47:40 AM):
if marry before end of kpli, can ask to choose school near to husband
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:48:07 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:48:29 AM):
i dont think much about that, as long as get marry, then its ok '
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:48:51 AM):
tu je, asal dapat kawen je
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:49:00 AM):
do u think i will get married before kpli end? hahahahaha
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:49:32 AM):
complicated sure
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:49:51 AM):
generally, no
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:50:16 AM):
at least must plan from now
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:51:01 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:51:06 AM):
you plan...coz you're a guy
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:51:38 AM):
i'm a guy
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:51:50 AM):
i will plan
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:52:09 AM):
i will ask my parents
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:52:16 AM):
and my sister
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:52:37 AM):
and will show your picture
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:52:39 AM):
have u talked to ur sisters or ur parents about u?
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:52:46 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:53:12 AM):
to sister, younger sister, and abg ipar
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:53:46 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:54:42 AM):
then, they ok
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:55:35 AM):
but, not rigid answer la, because i not yet ask dgn lebih mendalam lagi
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:56:28 AM):
i'm always thinking of this, how to say, when, what to do... always
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:57:15 AM):
aku perasan 1 benda tentang ko....banyak sangat pikir....especially benda2 yang mudah tapi dianggap susah
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:57:33 AM):
but, nowadays, feel not suitable to discuss this on phone, my sister also not at usj, she at seremban, so far, dulu dia selalu kat usj, selalu la jumpa dia
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:57:46 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:58:16 AM):
so, i will make it simple, dont think too much
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:58:28 AM):
you still have time....dont worry....
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:58:33 AM):
time cuti nanti ke.....
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:58:46 AM):
we have all the time in this world
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:59:12 AM):
ya, rasanya bukan benda mudah dianggap susah, cuma i am be careful
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:59:22 AM):
ok.....let me tell you the tips
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:59:30 AM):
this is my way.....always my way....
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 12:59:46 AM):
may i know your way, please..
Kidz (22/5/2011 12:59:48 AM):
and just happened im lucky to have a sporting parents
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:00:16 AM):
is that your way?
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:00:19 AM):
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:00:19 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:00:23 AM):
my way like ths
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:00:31 AM):
normally when i back for holiday....
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:00:37 AM):
i love talking to mom
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:01:01 AM):
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:01:07 AM):
so....maybe can start the conversation like this, "mummy, what do you think if i have a bf?"
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:01:17 AM):
she sure will reply rite?
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:01:22 AM):
then just tell her la
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:01:42 AM):
ok, i will do it
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:02:10 AM):
i think at this age...ur age....should be no problem....especially when u alrady posting
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:02:41 AM): sure ada 1 benda diorang akan tanya, "how long you know the girl?"
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:02:46 AM):
and what will u answer?
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:03:04 AM):
since bulan mac this year
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:03:19 AM):
she is kpli also, jan intake
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:03:59 AM):
and....they will say, "dont you think its too rush for you to get married while you just met her?"
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:05:14 AM):
if not marry yet, marry later, just to let them know that i have relation with someone
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:06:14 AM): i can see're matured enough
Nurul Azli Azrai (22/5/2011 1:06:25 AM):
and prepare for it.. and if they know, the relationship that we build can be strenghten time after time
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:06:42 AM):
you're right....and your act is right
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:10:39 AM):
you tell them not about marriage but tell them that you having relationship with someone
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:10:49 AM):
thats the right act
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:11:23 AM):
before ths i wonder have you told your family about ur relationship with ur ex-ex gf?
Kidz (22/5/2011 1:15:55 AM): my connection keeps dc

(Notes : I wish to hear the last answer but my connection keep dc that time until I give up and shut down the laptop. Hmm...Yesterday he told me that he never told his parents about his previous relationship, but he told his sisters. Am I be the first? Hmm...I wonder.....)

Talking about Gawai Antu..

I have a reason to post about Gawai Antu in this blog, just hope that sayang will read about it and have a better view. Next year my family and the whole long house will celebrate Gawai Antu. I noticed that bro' also already posted about it on his FB wall. I wish that this time the whole family can gather together and that time we will see different races, Iban, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah, Malay, Melanau, Sigh, etc in the family.

Of coz I wish that sayang can comes as well....and if possible bring his other friends to come coz this Gawai Antu is very rare.

The most important part is to meet all the relatives and meet new family members. Last time I'm always solo but I hope this time around I won't be solo anymore. At least nobody will ask me the annoying question such as, "When will you get married? Do you have boyfriend?" Argghhh.....I always hate that questions and always tried to avoid people because of that.

But I guess, being single also not a bad idea. It's not that I'm so desperate to have my own family. But when God grants me someone, of course I'm happy...someone that too good to be true...why I said so? Long ago...wahahahahaha...last time when still young, I always dream of a boyfriend that can play guitar, that is smart, that is...this and that..... Hmm...well.....sayang can play guitar right? And when we talk about 'smart', yes to me he is a smart guy. He always comes out with a better idea and on the spot also.

Funny....really funny.....whoever that don't know how to appreciate him before, I want to say thank you actually. Coz if not, he won't accept me in his life. God is funny, but God is great. He knows the best for everybody. And I'm sure will appreciate sayang. From my previous relationship, I was tired and gave up but he comes and gives me a new hope. "Let me colour your life"...Ah...indeed you already coloured my life since the first day I meet you. ^^

Chat with Panda

kidz Arweena says :
yong yong
Yong Siang says :
yo yo how r u
my msn in office kns ,might dc anytime
kidz Arweena says :
im fine
in hometown now
Yong Siang says :
oh ya hoh
school holiday
2 weeks holiday
kidz Arweena says :
Yong Siang says :
so nice
kidz Arweena says :
Yong Siang says :
kidz Arweena says :
3 weeks holiday
Yong Siang says :
have a great rest
so any news update? haha
kidz Arweena says :
what news? my bf? yes....haha
Yong Siang says :
why 3 weeks de, normal school holiday is 2 weeks nia
kidz Arweena says :
until 19th June la
Yong Siang says :
no woh
my wife holiday is 2 weeks nia
after next week will start school already
kidz Arweena says :
*shrug* start campus 20th
Yong Siang says :
so nice
so whats da news
i guess, great news right
sense happiness in ur words
kidz Arweena says :
i think i told u already....year end he comes to my house....then next year i come to his house....and plan get married in year 2013 but he hasnt told his parents yet....since today he has SPP interview, tonite he will tell his sisters about our relationship...and then tomorrow he will be back to hometown, he will tell his parents now just wait for his parents lor....if they approve our relationship....only then can continue this relationship...
if not....then bye bye parents side is is okay when i told her about him
Yong Siang says :
means tomolo result is out loh?
kidz Arweena says :
lol yaya very funny
Yong Siang says :
kaoz nervous?
kidz Arweena says :
Yong Siang says :
kan jiong or not
Lansi lo
kidz Arweena says :
i'm ok with that....if his parents cant accept me.....i'm still ok also
Yong Siang says :
hmmm good
kidz Arweena says :
nvm maa....just assume that that's my fate....single doesnt mean end of the world
Yong Siang says :
good attitude
kidz Arweena says :
but hard la couple like ths...
wasting money...
last nite he called me....we talked like 1 hour
Yong Siang says :
why say so
kidz Arweena says :
dunno how much money gone for telephone bill only
Yong Siang says :
me last time also like that
it pays off
if manage to get the relationship done, worth also mah
then sharring call loh
u call him sometimes, he call u sometimes like that loh
share the burden loh
mine last time i get the prepaid call, call my wife at frens & Family package, cheaper at 15cents per min
but now in penang got Digi plan, can call 3 digi number for free leh
now in market a lot of package, some can call designated number for free
go take those la
kidz Arweena says :
aiyo....both of us using celcom
i dun wan to change digi
hmm.....just finish talking to him on phone....i called him...after he msg me saying he just finished the interview
Yong Siang says :
i see
no wonder abai me
kidz Arweena says : la
i worried also with his interview
but he said everything is fine
the questions also very easy he said
Yong Siang says :
need plan and see find 1 package can call both free one, its more worth
gratz on that
kidz Arweena says :
actually i called him 25 minutes only cost rm3
Yong Siang says :
i see
kidz Arweena says :
i called him just now 11 minutes only cost rm1
Yong Siang says :
kidz Arweena says :
but he called me i think expensive...coz he's postpaid...mine prepaid
Yong Siang says :
depends on ur usage la, if next time heavy usage, better switch to free calls
o.0 by right postpaid cheaper than prepaid
kidz Arweena says :
sure getting heavy lor...haiz
ya ka?
postpaid cheaper?
Yong Siang says :
kidz Arweena says :
his terengganu line....mine sarawak line
Yong Siang says :
coz postpaid need pay monthly fee every month even u no call
prepaid is u just top up, those amount u can use to call
kidz Arweena says :
ya ka....i thought postpaid need to pay base on the usage?
Yong Siang says :
so postpaid is paid a fee every month but can enjoy cheaper call rate
yes pay base on usage, but lets say monthly RM15~RM30 just for monthly fee
then on top of that, call charges base on ur call duration with a cheaper rate compare to postpaid
compare to prepaid i mean
so u pay a fix amount monthly to enjoy cheaper rate
only benefit those that call more that RM30 per month like that
else, we better topup RM30 per month using prepaid
kidz Arweena says :
but i think if everyday i need to call him....say rm3 per day....a month already rm90
Yong Siang says :
wont daily one la
i guess estimated should be RM60
me last time also around +/- RM60
then my wife also call me around that amount
total 2 person +/- RM120
so if we get the free call package worth alot
kidz Arweena says :
true also
i think just sms him enuf la
but sometimes miss his voice also
Yong Siang says :
show off sia
kidz Arweena says :
love is very funny
last time im not like this also
when i still with sean
last time sean always call me
i dun bother to call
Yong Siang says :
love is in the air
i saw someone is in love till ....
kidz Arweena says :
Yong Siang says :
beh tahan nia...
kidz Arweena says :
last time didnt think will like him
Yong Siang says :
got common interest is the best thing ever
kidz Arweena says :
we both love scuba diving n snorkeling
Yong Siang says :
kidz Arweena says :
Yong Siang says :
time to listen some love songs?
kidz Arweena says :
not up to that extend la
im in love....but to say....not so desperate like tht love only....
i told mom about him....and mom ok with tht
i even told mom about his also ok come ths time my parents can accept someone?
last time when i introduce bf to them....they sure will say this and tht
Yong Siang says :
guess.... they oso not so choosy anymore?
as long as the guy treat u good, others not really important for them already i guess
not sure la
or u find out by asking ur parents?
ask ehhh how come so easily pass?
too easy ... no challenge
kidz Arweena says :
i think maybe becoz they know the guy is a teacher
so.....the job really 'terjamin'
Yong Siang says :
i see
true also
teacher cant be bad till what extend also
kidz Arweena said (10:52 AM) :
i want to further study again later
Yong Siang says :
my msn keep dc
good la, gratz on found a good bf, husband in 2013
kidz Arweena says :
pray for me

Gawai Antu (Part 1)


Gawai Antu is the greatest of all the Sea Dayak feasts for the dead, celebrated in honour of those that have died since the last Gawai Antu feast was held. Sarapoh, who was taught by the spirit Puntang Raga, originated this feast. As the feast is expensive there is no fixed date for the celebration. It would take at least one or two years to prepare for the ceremony financially.

The Gawai Antu ceremony has strong significance to every Sea Dayak heart. Those who fail to celebrate it from negligence are considered disloyal to the religious duty of marking the graveyard with sungkup. Thus all Dayaks for every generation should celebrate at least once in a lifetime.

Ai Garong and Ai Jalong Timang

Before proceeding further, it is necessary to explain in full the qualification demand of the “brave” who are to be selected to drink the sacred libations offered to the spirit of the dead.
The most sacred ai buloh or ai garong as it is sometimes called used to be lavishly thrown away at the foot of the house ladder at the termination of the Gawai Antu.

Later as time passed by, men were inspired by the spirit in dream to drink the ai garong, if they have completed the following deed in battles.

They must have taken the head (bedengah) of an enemy.

They must have picked out the brain of the enemy from his skull (udah ngerok) to entitle them to handle the offerings of the Gawai and the Gawai Burong festivals. The man who has done these things is known as tau nasak.

By these rules, they must have drunk the ai jalong timang wine on a previous occasion before they are entitled to drink the ai garong wine.

A war leader is the highest rank amongst the Sea Dayaks. Due to his exalted status he is not to drink the ai jalong timang which is to be drunk by his leading warriors. The ai jalong timang that is offered to the soul of a dead hereditary chief or war leader (which no ordinary warrior would dare to drink) is to be drunk only by any war leader present. As far as the sacred ai garong is concerned, he who has not completed the above deeds or has not been told to do so in a dream, must not drunk it merely for the sake of fame.

Not to confuse the two sacred wines - ai garong and ai jalong timang, the former is traditional, while the latter was recently invented and has become a feature of the Gawai Antu in the Saribas and Krian areas only.

After the fall of Sadok in 1861, all the principal war leaders of the Saribas and Krian held a historic meeting to honour their brave warriors in one of these feast.

At this gathering, it was agreed that it was vitally necessary for them to honour these warriors by declaring that they alone should drink the wine ai jalong timang at future Gawai Antu.

The Balau, Undup, Lemanak and the Ulu Ai Dayaks do not drink ai jalong timang, which only originated from the Saribas and Krian Dayaks.

Other Dayaks only drink the traditional sacred ai garong originated by Sarapoh following his teaching of the spirit Puntang Raga. Today, only the descendents of past war leaders and leading warriors are selected to drink ai jalong timang.

Summary of the Gawai Antu Ceremonies

The following description is based on observation at five different Gawai Antu celebrations.
Four took place in the Saribas district and one in the Ulu Krian district.
1. Preliminary meeting.
2. Beban: Preparing wood for the making of sungkup.
3. Ngambi buluh : Collecting of bamboo for the nganyam ceremony.
4. Ngeretok: The making of sungkup
5. Ngalu Antu: A welcoming ceremony for the Gods and spirits at dark and dawn on several
occasions (including cock fighting).
6. Nganyam : Preparation of miniature baskets.
7. Minta manok: Begging for chicken.
8. Mandok: Preparation for making tuak (rice wine)
9. Tubai Gawai: Fishing with derris root.
10. Second meeting: To discuss date for holding Gawai.
11. Ngambi Ngabang: Invitation is send out to guest for the celebration.
12. Mantar and Ngeraran: Preparation for the Gawai.
13. Niki Ka Orang Ngirup Buluh: The welcoming of the braves.
14. Makai Lemai: Supper.
15. Bedigir: Seating of guests.
16. Begeliga: A lecture by the senior hosts or the Feast Chief (Tuai Gawai).
17. Ngalu Petara: A procession to welcome the Gods and spirits.
18. Ngerandang Jalai: A dance in order to clear a path free from the spirits of the departed.
19. Ngelalau: A dance performed by the brave to enclose the path.
20. Berayah pupu buah rumah: A dance performed by one old man from each village to lead the
spirits along the cleared and enclosed path.
21. Nimang Jalong: The lemambang sing songs to bless the sacred wine, which shall be drink
by the brave.
22. Muai Rugan: Destruction of the tabernacle.
23. Bebungkar Ruang: The eating of meat with wine after the destruction of the tabernacle.
24. Ngambi Tebalu: Ending of the mourning period undergone by widows and widowers.
25. Nganjong Buloh: The drinking of the sacred wine ai garong.
26. Berangap: The presentation of food and money to the homeward bound guest.
27. Nganjong Sungkup: The erection of monument in the graveyard.

Gawai Open House

I need to write more here we go....

Yesterday I made open house for Gawai celebration. I invited all my friends; my ex-colleagues, my best friend, Siput and also my church members. The day before, some of them texting me and said they couldn't make it since they have their own agenda.

But yesterday, first, Siput called me and she said she will be arrived at about 1 hour from the time she called me. After that when Siput arrived, Auntie Agnes called me as well, and then I said I will fetch them all in one place. After that Auntie Vero called, and Angela also called. Waaaa.....but at last I managed to gather everybody.

3 large groups come together at the same time...I hope Angela and Siput understand my situation. So sorry coz I couldn't entertain you all. The priority is always for the elders right? So glad that the church members came to visit me. Auntie Mary Law hugged me and she said she missed me a lot. Not to mention Auntie Agnes that really close to me, she passed the Scheme Of Works to me. I told them about my life as a KPLI student. And I also told them about all the blessing that I received. It's all because of their constant prayer towards me.

After church members went back, then I talked to Angela. She told me that she will get married by next year and end of this year, she will register the marriage first. Owh.....congratulation! I'm happy for her....

After Angela went back, then I talked to Siput. Hmm....i guess we were not really talking. We were more to watching tv....just so coincidence that the story was about Rentap, Iban warrior. We kept commenting the movie. We gave bad comment actually. funny when they tried to talk like Sarawak people but at the end the slang become Indonesian accent. Then they tried to speak hillarious.....and also tried to speak Iban. One part that so funny when the guy wanted to 'ngayap' the I asked Siput, "How does he entered the house?" And Siput told me, "By front door!" Wahahahahaha......

Then, Ivan Sia called me, he wanted to come to my house, so I said please do come. He was alone and he thought that I will be mad if he didn't go to my house during Gawai. come? Anyway, we talked so much, and he revealed so many things. About Ambrose (Priscilla's husband) works at Jaya Tiasa now. Then Alex Ling also resigned after I resigned. Peter becomes Assistant Manager. And uncle (my boss) always closes his door. many things happen now. So I asked how was everything at work? And he said that everything change, and the situation is not like when I still work in Jaya. He said when I still there, everyday always cheerful. The environment also cheerful, but after I left, everything changed. that my impact so big until like this? I never thought that people like me, always thought that I'm worthless.

And I asked Ivan whether he still chasing for his ambition to be a priest. So he told me that his grandma wants him to get married. I asked him, "Do you have a girlfriend now?" and he said, "No..." and I asked, "Do you think it is easy to find a girlfriend?" And he said,"Can, easy...just walk on the street and grab somebody." Whoaaa...... and he added,"As long as my grandma happy, then enough for me." ZzzZzzz......he sounded so sulky right now.

But I said, " better go for a priest.....thats a calling for you. You will be happy..." We talked a lot about religious issue. Siput and her sister also joining us in the talk. And I really thank God that I'm getting matured now. At least I can answer the questions that direct to me. For example why we need priest inside the confession box? My answer is very simple, "The priest is like our mentor, he guides us to make a good confession. We're not confessing toward him but toward God, but he is there to help us so that we won't miss anything that we wanted to confess."

At around 4.30pm, Ivan went back and then around 5pm Siput went back. After I took my bath, then I went upstair to talk to sayang. Just realized that I get sms from him at around 3pm. He was at KL Sentral to send Des. I told him to call me after he done with everything.

At almost 11pm he called me, and we talked like 1 hour 4 minutes and 57 seconds. ZzzZzz....I wonder how much money we spent for telephone bill. As usual, our story is like never ending one. He told me that he cried when Des went back to Sarawak. Hmm....but not crying when I went back for holiday. Hahahahaha...... Hmm...such a sensitive guy.....but I like! Hahahaha.....still remember the time when we watched Insidious together and he kept screaming while I have no feeling at all. I kept laughing at him. ZzzZzz...That's the guy that I love...

Anyway, we start saying "I love you" to each other to end our conversation. more awkward for that part. I wonder whether I will feel awkward to say those 3 words in front of him. Hahahaha.... But for sayang, it's still awkward for me. But I wish to call him that.

It's a good practice....I just want harmony in my family ( own family)....and hope God really blessed us on this relationship. I want to practice all the good things in my family and I wish that people around us will look at us and follow our step as well. God, will You use me and him for this 'mission'? I'm okay with that coz our world now getting worse and worse... I wish to change the situation.

Engka - Ethnic Transmission

Dini nuan, kini nuan,
bisi enda lama lalu nuan lenyau
Aku berunding, nama kebuah,
nama ti ngasuh nuan kenya

Engka nya, engka tu, ngasuh tua baka tu

Engka, nuan sigi sayau ka ku,
tapi nuan malu, nadai nemu nyebut,
kati ngatur jaku, ka madah ke aku,

Tauka engka, nuan sigi nadai ati,
nuan enda peduli, nadai madah kini, ninggal ku kediri,

Engka nadai guna, aku ngiga, utai ti sigi, nadai ba dia,

Ku ka ninga, nama berita, nama gaga nuan gerai tauka enda
Tulis surat, kirim meh salam, ngambi ku nemu pagila lusa

Engka nuan teperasa, laban laya tua suba,

Engka, nadai ku di peda nuan,
engka ku berumban, mai nuan bepangan,
minta ampun sulu, semua penyalah ku,

tauka Engka, nuan kala patah ati,
nuan alit ati, nuan enda berani,
nuan enggai beraie agi

Ulih ka nuan ninga, ati aku ngumbai,
padah meh kemaya, nuan deka pulai

Engka, nuan sigi sayau ka ku,
tapi nuan malu, nadai nemu nyebut,
kati ngatur jaku, ka madah ka aku,

tauka Engka, nuan sigi nadai ati,
nuan enda peduli, nadai madah kini, ninggal ku kediri,

Engka nadai guna, aku ngiga, utai ti sigi, nadai ba dia