Friday, June 3, 2011

Learning to Sense and See Your Aura

Learning to sense and see your Aura

First sit comfortably facing a pale, plain or white wall. Make sure there is no direct sunlight or artificial light shinning on you. Stretch out your right arm in front of you - so it is in front of the wall (do not touch the wall). Make sure the back of your right hand is facing you.

Open out your fingers and look at the space in between your fingers and the wall. Only look at the space in between your fingers - not at your fingers. Now allow your eyes to completely relax. You will begin to see a fuzzy white or gray outline around your fingers. If you begin to see this it means you are doing the exercise right. What you are actually seeing is your aura.

Continue to look in between your fingers at the fuzzy outline. As you continue to look at the fuzzy outline you should notice it start to change colour - usually to blue. Keep looking at your aura until you can see it all around your hand and fingers.

If you do not notice anything at first, then please do not give up, keep trying and trying as with practice the exercise will become easier and easier. You can do this exercise any time and place.

View the aura around your head

Stand in front of a mirror. Make sure that there is a plain wall or background behind and around you. Again make sure there is no direct sunlight or artificial light shinning on you.

Look at the space above your head and let your eyes completely relax. You should begin to see a fuzzy white or grey outline appear around your head. If you do begin to see this then you are doing the exercise right as this is your aura.

Continue to look at the fuzzy white / grey light and you will begin to notice it change colour - it usually changes to blue. You are now looking at your etheric body - your aura. Watch as this blue outline stretches over your head and shoulders.

Learn to sense and feel your Aura

I love doing this exercise and you can do it any place and any where. I find it quite therapeutic and relaxing. It is amazing feeling once you learn to sense, feel and see your aura.

Sit or stand comfortably and make sure you will not be disturbed (once you get the hang of it, you will find that you can do this exercise any time and in any environment). Hold the palms of your hands close together - notice how this feels.

Move your palms of your hands apart and then bring them together again, keeping doing this over and over. Notice how it feels and what you can see. As you move the palms together and apart you should begin to feel a pulling like feeling.

Each time you move your palms of your hands forwards and backwards just take them slightly further apart each time. As you continue moving them forward and apart you will begin to notice a sensation building up in the palms of your hands.

You will begin to feel your palms become hot and it will feel like elastic in between each hand. If you feel this then you are sensing and feeling your aura. If you relax your eyes and look at your hands as you do this exercise then you will begin to even see this aura. It will first look like heat waves and eventually change colour to white and then blue. You will be able to see this energy pulling back and forth as you move your hands.

Seeing the Aura's of those around you

Ask a friend or family member if they would not mind you practicing on them and trying to see their auras. Ask your family member or friend to please sit comfortably in a chair. Make sure that the walls behind and around them are white or plain in colour. Also make sure that there is no artificial light or direct sunlight in the room.

Sit opposite your friend or family member and look just above the top of their head. Let your eyes relax completely and keep looking. You should begin to see a grey / white fuzzy outline - which should begin to change colour to blue. If you continue to look at your friend or family members aura, you should then begin to see the aura changing colour again.

Notice what colour their aura changes too and what its Patten is. Is it all around them or is it in a broken pattern? What is the shape and colour of their Aura?

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